Community Builder


Volunteer Boards

Campbell River Salmon Foundation (2016-2021)

I started volunteering with Campbell River Salmon Foundation as the annual fundraiser Volunteer Coordinator in 2016, then joined the board of directors in 2018, and was President for 2020/2021. Lead the growth and adaptation of the organization and its team of salmon-loving, community-minded Campbell Riverites.

Young Professionals Campbell River (2014-2019)

Joined as a member in 2013, then onto the board in 2015, lead as president for 2017 and 2018, and as past president for 2019.



Leisure + Community (2013-current)

Greenways Loop - co-leader, events, fundraising, advocacy

Women Of Recreation, Tourism, Hospitality (WORTH) - mentor

Better At Home - volunteer senior helper

Rivercity Theatre - front of house volunteer

Tidemark Theatre - front of house volunteer

Community events - general volunteer


Adopt A Trail Volunteer

Greenways Land Trust (2014-current)

I love playing in the forest! Helping the water move through the streams, raking off the trails so they’re in the best condition for human usage (and the forest can stay forested). The Beaver Lodge Lands are restorative, accessible, and an integral part of the health and vitality of our community. I am happy to help maintain the places and spaces that help to make me happy.